
    An incompressible fluid (a liquid) passes

    through a pipe of cross-section area A₁

    with a speed of v₁, height h₁, density ρ,

    and pressure P₁ ...

    ...the liquid then passes into a pipe

    of cross-section area A₂,with a

    speed of v₂, height h₂, density ρ,

    and pressure P₂ ...

   There is a simple equation that relates

   the above variables: Bernoulli's equation.

Bernoulli's Equation:

   P₁ + ρgh₁ + ½ρv₁² = P₂ + ρgh₂ + ½ρv₂²

Bernoulli's equation is true if:

   the fluid has no viscosity.

   there is no turbulence in the fluid.

   the fluid is incompressible.

To make this simulation easier to use, it allows

the fluid to have negative pressure. This is only possible

for some degassed fluids.

Bernoulli's equation is derived from the law of conservation

of energy. If each of the terms of the equation is multiplied

by 'volume', it becomes W₁ + U₁ + K₁ = W₂ + U₂ + K₂

"Flow rate" is the volume of fluid passing a point each second:

Flow rate = Av              A₁v₁ = A₂v₂

(see ContinuityEquationSim))


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Which to keep constant?


10 m\xB3 = 1aksjdfhsegment volume

10 m\xB3 = 1aksjdfhflow rate

10 kg/m\xB3 = 1aksjdfhflow rate

10 N/m\xB2 = 1aksjdfhflow rate

10 N/m\xB2 = 1aksjdfhflow rate

10 N/m\xB2 = 1aksjdfhflow rate