Welcome to our Chemistry Tutorial!

Beginning in late August, 2024, we broke ground on our Chemistry Tutorial. We have begun writing tutorial pages on various topics in Chemistry. Like our Physics Tutorial, we view this as our textbook. This will be a lengthy project to complete; we hope to complete it by the end of 2025. Our goal is to provide a free, readable chemistry textbook that presents concepts and mathematics of chemistry in an easy-to-understand language. The Tutorial will support students as they work on interactive website tasks like Concept Builders, CalcPad problem sets, and Science Reasoning Center activities.

As time progresses, topics will be filled in below. To monitor near-daily progress, visit our What's New? page.


We have plans to include tutorials for the following topics. Those topics that are linked have content. Those topics that are not linked are planned for a future date.

Chapter 1: Measurements and Calculations in Chemistry

Chemistry is a lab science and a quantitative science. As such, the doing of Chemistry is dependent upon an understanding of how to perform experiments, make careful measurements, and analyze quantitative data. Chapter 1 lays the foundation for success in a Chemistry course.
Visit Measurement and Calculations in Chemistry


Chapter 2: Matter

Chemistry is the study of matter - its properties, how we classify and characterize it, and how it changes. This chapter investigates the manner in which chemists describe matter and how one sample of matter can be distinguished from another sample of matter. The Periodic Table of Elements is introduced. 

Visit: Matter


Chapter 3: Elements, Atoms, and Ions

The search for the atom began a couple millenia ago. Chapter 3 chronicles a portion of that story from ancient times up to our understanding of a nuclear model of the atom. The chapter discusses the work of Mendeleev and others in developing a periodic table. An emphasis is placed on understanding how the elements can be understood in terms of their subatomic particles. Chapter 3 ends with a discussion of ions and the use of the periodic table in predicting ion charge.

Visit: Elements, Atoms, and Ions


Chapter 4: Compounds, Names, and Formulas

With as many as a million compounds in existence, keeping track of their names and the formulae by which we refer to them would be an impossible task. But learning a few rules for referring to these compounds by name and by formula might be the most efficient means of managing all the details. This chapter will acquaint you with chemical nomenclature and formula writing. 

Visit Compounds, Names, and Formulas


Chapter 5: The Modern Model of the Atom

The 20th century was filled with accomplishments in scientific understanding. One of the greatest accomplishments was the development of the quantum mechanical model. Chapter 5 traces the discoveries that led to the model and the describes the relationship between the electronic structure of atoms and the properties of elements.

Visit The Modern Model of the Atom


Chapter 6: Chemical Bonds and Molecular Shape

The outer shell electrons of the atoms of elements affect how they bind together to form compounds. This chapter compares ionic and covalent bonding and relates the nature of the bond to the configuration of electrons around atoms. Lewis electron dot structures and the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory are used to show the arrangement of electrons in molecules and the geometric shape such molecules assume.

Visit Chemical Bonds and Molecular Shape


Chapter 7: The Mole and Its Applications

Atoms have a specific mass value that varies from element to element. Knowing the mass values of elements allows one to determine the amount of atoms or molecules in a sample. In Chapter 7, we introduce the concept of the mole and demonstrate its usefulness in relating mass to the number of particles and analyzing the composition of molecules. 

Visit The Mole and Its Applications


Chapter 8: Chemical Reactions

Chemical reactions are at the heart of Chemistry. Reactions involve the change of one or more substances into one or more other substances. In Chapter 8, we discuss the details of chemical reactions. The emphasis is on predicting the products of a reaction and writing balanced chemical equations to represent the changes that occur.

Visit: Chemical Reactions


Chapter 9: Stoichiometry

The coefficients of a balanced chemical equation reveal information about the relative number of particles of reactants and products involved in a reaction. Chapter 9 explores how to use this information to determine the relative mass of reactants and products involved in a reaction.

Visit: Stoichiometry


Chapter 10: Gases and Gas Laws

A sample of matter in the gaseous state has very predictable patterns of behavior. Changes in a quantity such as the pressure, temperature, or amount of gas affect the volume of the sample in a manner that is predictable and largely independent of the identify of the gas. In Chapter 10, we will discuss these behaviors and learn why they exist and how they can be used. 

Visit Gases and Gas Laws


Chapter 11: Solids, Liquids, and Intermolecular Forces

Solids and liquids are the condensed states of matter. Unlike the gaseous state, the intermolecular forces between particles have significant strength, affecting the properties and behaviors of these states. In Chapter 11, we will learn about the influence of intermolecular forces on samples of solids and liquids.

Visit Solids, Liquids, and Intermolecular Forces


Chapter 12: Thermochemistry

ETA: April, 2025


Chapter 13: Solutions

ETA: May, 2025


Chapter 14: Acids and Bases

ETA: June, 2025


Chapter 15: Kinetics and Equilibrium

ETA: July, 2025


Chapter 16: Thermodynamics

ETA: August, 2025


Chapter 17: Solutions Equilibria

ETA: September, 2025


Chapter 18: Electrochemistry

ETA: October, 2025


Chapter 19: Nuclear Chemistry and Radiation

ETA: November, 2025

Reference Tables and Other Information

Handy information for the Chemistry student and teacher. This is an ongoing project. Additional items will be added to this page over time.

View Reference Tables and Other Information