The Solutions Guide - Digital Download Purchase
About the Digital Download
The cost of the each Solutions Guide Digital Download (Physics and Chemistry) is $25 (US). Payments can be made online using most major credit cards, debit cards, or a PayPal account. The payments are collected using PayPal's secure payment system. The actual download is managed by Digital Product Delivery services. To get started, click on the Buy Now button. Once the Payment is processed, you will be brought back to the Digital Product Delivery website for immediate delivery of The Solutions Guide product. You will be offered the option of downloading the file or adding it to your DropBox account. You will also be provided the opportunity to view and print the Invoice for the purchase. The Invoice will also be mailed to the email address that you enter when making the purchase.
Information regarding Purchase Orders can be found at the bottom of this page.
Before purchasing the Digital Download, please take the time to read the Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses policy at the bottom of this page.
The Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses
(The following licensing rights apply to those who have purchased the Solutions Guide. A separate listing of Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses for users of the Curriculum Corner is provided elsewhere.)
The inclusion of Microsoft Word files on this product provides teachers with the ability to easily customize and re-purpose the contents. The Physics Classroom licenses teachers the rights to do so in order to create quizzes, tests, PowerPoint slides and more. The license permits teachers to use the material with their own classrooms in print or digital form. However, the license prohibits the placement of the product contents and files (PDFs, images, Word files) or its derivatives upon websites that are publicly accessible to others who are not from that school. If placing any of the content upon the internet, we require that access to such content be password-protected and accessible only to students from the teacher's school. Such websites can include but are not limited to Google Classroom and other Course Management Systems (CMS) such as Canvas, Schoolology, and Moodle. As long as you are able to password -protect this product so that it is restricted to students from your own school, you are allowed to post these pages and any deriviative on the web-based platform.
PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF OTHER TEACHERS (and of The Physics Classroom). Many teachers across the country use pages from the Curriculum Corner as homework assignments (which we do not recommend anyway since there is nothing currently to prevent a student from purchasing the Solutions Guide themselves). They do not wish their students to be able to access the solutions to such homework via a Google search or other web search. When you place answers on non-password protected sites, you are not only making them available to your own students, you are making them available to the rest of the world. That means the students of other teachers can view those answers. In many instances, those teachers don't want their students to view the answers. Furthermore, you have made a product that The Physics Classroom sells and uses to support its existence available for free. Please don't do that to us. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO PLACE ANY PORTION OF THIS PRODUCT ON OTHER PUBLICLY-AVAILABLE WEBSITES. Thanks for complying.
Purchasing the Digital Download
If you have purchased in the past, please do not purchase again, but instead Contact Us and we can look up your previous order and get you a new link.
0,The Physics Solutions Guide Download0,The Chemistry Solutions Guide Download
Purchase Orders
Schools and other institutions that prefer to use a Purchase Order may do so. Use our Get a Quote form to request a purchase order or estimate.
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One of our more recent additions to our download collection is our Teacher Presentation Pack. Our Teacher Presentation Pack is a teacher resource designed to facilitate lesson planning, curriculum development, and presentations. The project was inspired and is supported by the Physics Video Tutorial section of our website. The download is packed with nearly 190 Microsoft PowerPoint slide decks, the corresponding Lesson Notes (as PDF and fully-modifiable MS Word format), about 170 animations (in .gif, .png, and .mp4 file formats), a countless number of ready-to-use images (including the original source documents that would allow for easy modification of those images), and a license that allows teachers to modify and use all the content with their classes on password-protected sites (such as course magnagement systems). The Teacher Presentation Pack makes a great companion tool to our Solutions Guide and Question Banks resources.
Learn more about the Teacher Presentation Pack.