Request a Quote or Purchase Subscription
If you need a quote to get a purchase order generated, or wish to order Task Tracker and/or Digital downloads, please use the form below, or send this link to the requesting teacher to fill out on your behalf.
2025-2026 Subscriptions: We are still in the processes of rebuilding the brand new site, including our new checkout processes, you can use this form to get a quote or order for the 2025-2026 season until that time.
Offering Summary
Here are the items available for purchase, all shown on our store page.
- Digital Download: Chemistry Solutions Guide ($25)
- Digital Download: Physics Solutions Guide ($25)
- Digital Download: Physics Question Bank ($25)
- Digital Download: Physics Teacher Presentation Pack ($40)
- Task Tracker Yearly Subscription for Physics and Chemistry (Varies, see below)
While the digital downloads are 1-time purchases, our most popular offering is our yearly Task Tracker Subscription. It allows teachers to assign Physics Classroom features to their students, get automatic scoring and completion, and in some features even build their own questions. It also comes with 3 Pre-built courses for those new to Physics Classroom (Algebra-Based Physics, Conceptual Physics Course, and Honors Physics Course). Best of all, teachers can easily clone new tasks to all their courses, share with colleagues (Group Plans), and when they return the next year, can clone their entire course for the next year.
Changes to Subscription Model for 25-26
The Subscription model has been revamped to provide a simpler pricing model and still great savings, these include:
- Each subscription gains access to all features, both Physics and Chemistry
- No more Seats, it's now based on Students only
- All Subscriptions contain unlimited teachers
- Ad-Free is now simply part of the Standard Subscription, with an Ad-Supported Tier available
- Subscription Minimum order is still $50, however this now with the Tiers you can get a small class on Standard Tier (ad-free) than previous years that had ad-free as extra.
- Students are now tied to the subscription, not class, so if a student transfers classes it will not erroniously double-charge on the subscription
- Teachers can be part of multiple subscription
- Parent Plan is now Ad-Free for the student (no extra ad-free purchase necessary)
- Even on Ad-supported plans, the Teachers are Ad-Free
Standard Subscription: Task Tracking + No Ads, $4.00 per student (13-67 students), or $3.60 per student for 75+ students
Ad-Supported Subscription: Task Tracking + Ads. $2.00 per student (25-59 students), or $1.60 per student for 75+ students
Ad-Free Only Subscription: No ads only (no Task Tracking). $2.00 per student (25-59 students), or $1.60 per student for 75+ students
Parent Plan: For Homeschool or self taught, $50 per child, comes with three course options and learning plan.
Please review these offerings, and fill out the form below. Additionally, our W9 and Vendor information has changed in 2024. If you require this information to update your records, please indicate.