Welcome to the NGSS Corner

Welcome to the NGSS Corner. This section of our website is devoted to assisting teachers of Physics and Physical Science courses to integrate the Next Generation Science Standards into their lessons and curriculum. We have made our best effort to identify those activities at The Physics Classroom that align with the standards and to describe the manner in which they match up with the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), the Science and Engineering Practices, and the Crosscutting Concepts that are described by the NGSS. To learn more about this section of our website, visit the
About the NGSS Corner page.
Learn More.
You can view a
Complete Listing of Activities or use the links below in order to view resources and activities at our website that coordinate with the Next Generation Science Standards. We have organized resources by the three most
physics-relevant Disciplinary Core Ideas within the Physical Science domain.
We have also organized resources by the listed Performance Expectations within the Physical Science domain.
Alternatively, you can view the activity descriptions as organzied according to topic or according to Crosscutting Concept or according to Science and Engineering Practices.
Finally, you are weclome to use our search page in order to search by various combinations of these organizational formats. Visit
Search Page.
* The NGSS logo shown above is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards was involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.