Task Tracker Subscriptions and Pricing For Schools

If you have been following developments here at The Physics Classroom over the past few years, you know that we are serious about developing useful learning resources that coordinate with our Task Tracker system. (See What's NEW at TPC? for all development updates.) Concept Builders were offered as our first Task Tracker feature in the Fall of 2020. Minds On Physics, Version 5 followed in the Fall of 2021. And now in the Fall of 2022, we will be offering two more features - the Calculator Pad and the Physics Interactives with Concept Checkers. Our pattern has been that when a new Task Tracker feature emerges, we offer it at a reduced price during the first year if bundled with pre-existing features. This gives teachers and schools a low-cost incentive for using the new feature. So when purchasing a Task Tracker subscription, it is always wise to consider the discounted bundles that are available during that school year.

Just Minds On Physics Please!

We recognize that there will be many who are sold on Minds On Physics and that's all that they wish to include with their Task Tracker subscription. We understand. It's a huge program and a good value even when purchased by itself. If that's your plan, then you will need to purchase 1 seat for every student that will use Minds On Physics. A Task Tracker seat costs $1. The cost is discounted to $0.80/seat once 150 seats are purchased. So don't buy 120 seats for $120. Instead, purchase 150 seats for $120; we call that a Group Plan. And if you don't plan on using the extra 30 seats, we recommend trading them to a Chemistry teacher or Physical Science teacher for some chocolate chip cookies.

This is the simplest purchase you can make. Predict your number of seats, visit our Store, and start your order. We accept Purchase Orders, Credit Card payments, and PayPal transfers. And don't worry about running out of seats. Adding seats is easy to do and can be done in packets of 5 seats for $5 (or $4 if you are on a Group Plan) at any time.


Try a Task Tracker Bundle

This is when we say "Would you like to try some fries with that?" Yep. There's more in Task Tracker than just Minds On Physics and you might find a tasty offering to complement those MOP missions. Any one of these discounted bundles will provide you with a well-rounded plan for an affordable price.

  1. Buy 2, Get 2 Free in 2022:
    Purchase 2 Seats per 1 Student (our best value)
    Purchase two seats for your students and we will provide you all four features. You will have access to more than 500 classroom-ready tasks for as little as $1.60/student. That's a steal! But don't feel guilty ... we're extra glad to give it to you. 
  2. Minds On Physics + The Calculator Pad:
    Purchase 1.5 Seats per 1 Student
    Combine a great conceptual tool with a great problem-solving platform. Our Calculator Pad is new to Task Tracker in the Fall of 2022 and we think it will be an awesome addition to any subscription.
  3. Concept Builders + The Calculator Pad
    Purchase 1.5 Seats per 1 Student
    Not sold on Minds On Physics? Try Concept Builders instead. It has a different feel, includes less multiple-choice style questions and more manipulatives, and is typically more interactive. Combine it with the Calculator Pad and your usual strong lesson planning and instruction and you have a great program.

The bundling of these Task Tracker features can be done at anytime during the subscription season. Bundling the products can be done for all classes in the subscription or for individual classes within the subscription. When you visit the Store, you purchase seats. When you set up your classes, you let us know what features you will be using.  If you're ready to bundle, make a trip to the Store and purchase your seats.

Since the decision to bundle or not to bundle is made on a per-class basis, you will have to do the math for each of the classes that you will use Task Tracker with.  Our Seat and Cost Calculator might simplify the task of determining the number of required seats and the total cost of those seats.

Need more help with determining the number of seats you need in your subscription. Visit our Seat and Cost Calculator.


How Do I Purchase Seats?

Now that you have determined the number of seats that you need, it is time to purchase them. You do that by purchasing an annual Subscription Plan. There are two types of Subscriptions Plans that can be purchased - an Individual TeacherSubscription Plan and a Group Subscription Plan. They are described below


Individual Teacher Subscription Plan

Individual Teacher Plans are reseved for individual teachers with a need for 120 seats or less. Seats are priced at $1/seat. You can buy as many seats as you need (see our Seat and Cost Calculator for help). The minimum order is $50 for 50 seats. After that, you buy only what you need; there should be little waste. Payments can be made using a Purchase Order (have your PO# ready), Credit Card or PayPal transfer.

If your subscription runs out of seats you can easily upgrade by adding additional seats. You can purchase seats at the rate of $1/seat in increments of 5 seats. We do not accept Purchase Orders for upgrades unless the upgrade cost exceeds $50.


Group Subscription Plan

Group Plans are designed for groups of two or more teachers with a need for at least 150 seats. Seats are priced at $0.80/seat and you can buy as many seats as you perceive that you will need. Payments can be made using a Purchase Order (have your PO# ready), Credit Card or PayPal transfer. The minimum payment is $120 (for 150 seats).

Group plans can be upgraded at any later time by adding seats in increments of 5 seats at the cost of $0.80/seat. We do not accept Purchase Orders for upgrades unless the upgrade cost exceeds $50.

With group plans, seats are shared by all teachers in the plan. Students can be easily transferred from one teacher's class to another teacher's class. Assignments created by one teacher can be cloned to another teacher's class.


Common Questions

  1. What should I do if I am an individual teacher and I need more than 120 seats? There doesn't seem to be a plan for me.

    Answer: Purchase a Group Plan for 150 or more seats. It is less expensive to purchase a Group Plan for 151 seats than it is to purchase an Individual Teacher Plan for 121 seats. Then just hope you can find another teacher to fill that second teacher seat.

  2. (Follow up to Question 1) But what if I purchase the Group Plan and then can't find a second teacher for the second teacher seat? Will you come to my house and ask for more money?

    Answer: Probably not. We're way too busy for that. Just leave the second teacher seat open.

  3. There's two teachers at our school and we both need 40 seats. Can we purchase an Indivdual Teacher Plan for 80 seats?

    Answer: That's not a good solution. Individual Teacher Plans are for single teachers; a single log-in account is provided with the purchase of such a plan. If there are two teachers from the same school with the need for 120 or less seats, then two individual teacher plans will have to be purchased. Those two plans operate independent of one another. Seats cannot be transferred between the two teacher accounts.

  4. If I purchase an Individual Teacher Plan, can I convert it at a later time to a Group Plan? 

    Answer: No. Indivdidual Teacher Plans are not convertible to Group Plans. Once you purchase an Individual Teacher Plan, you have locked in your upgrade cost at $1/student. You can upgrade the Individual Teacher Plan past 120 students but you cannot convert it to a Group Plan.

  5. Is there a charge for the teacher? Is a Group Plan with 10 teachers the same price as a Group Plan with 4 teachers (and the same number of seats)?

    Answer: The number of teachers does not factor into the cost of Group Plans. But you are limited to 999 teachers so use those teacher seats sparingly.

  6. Are these annual subscriptions or lifetime subscriptions?

    Answer: These are annual subscriptions. We're going to ask you for more money next year so start saving now. And the great news is that we'll have more offerings next year. This keeps getting better. 

  7. Does purchasing a subscription remove the ads from the page?

    Answer: No it doesn't. The ads still show. If you need to remove the ads, you need to purchase an ad-free subscription for an additional $2/student. When you arrive at the Store to make your purchase, we will ask you how many ad-free students you will need. 

  8. Do you offer AAA Auto Club discounts? What about Senior Citizen's discounts?

    Answer: No. But AAA Auto Club is still a great program. And we love Senior Citizens. And we are big discount fans ourselves. Our main discount is the discounted cost of purchasing bundled offerings

  9. I'm a Chemistry teacher and I feel left out. Do you have a Minds On Chemistry program I can purchase?

    Answer: We're sorry you feel left out. We do love Chemistry and we love Chemistry teachers. Yet we don't have a Minds On Chemistry program. But Wow! That's a great idea. (Spoiler alert!)

  10. What do I do if I still have questions?

    Answer: If you still have questions, please reach out to us through our Contact form. We are always glad to help.


Are you ready to make your purchase? Read about the two-step process of purchasing a subscription and assigning teachers to the subscription. See our Minds On Physics Directions page.