Change of State

The Change of State Concept Builder is a tool that allows the learner to predict how the individual forces must change in order for the state of motion of an object to change. Learners make decisions about removing a force, reducing the strength of a force, increasing the strength of a force, or adding a force in order for the final Force Diagram to be consistent with the proposed change in the state of motion. There are 12 different situations and two different levels of difficulty. In each situation, the learner is presented with a verbal description and a Force Diagram;  they are given the proposed change in the motioni and must identify the correct Force Diagram (from a selection of five options) that is consistent with the proposed change of state. Question-specific help is provided for each of the 12 situations. The built-in score-keeping makes this Concept Builder a perfect candidate for a classroom activity.

Launch Concept Builder

Users are encouraged to open the Concept Builder and explore. There is no need for an activity sheet for this Concept Builder. However, the 12 different groups of questions can be printed. View Questions (Teachers Only).

Learners and Instructors may also be interested in viewing the accompanying Notes page. Technical information, teaching suggestions, and related resources that complement this Concept Builder are provided on the Notes page. View Notes.