Average Atomic Mass

The Average Atomic Mass simulation provides students with four random problems in which they must calculate the average atomic mass of an element from data provided by Old Rickety (our very own mass spectrometer). Students receive the percent abundance and the atomic mass of each isotope for the element. From the data they must calculate and enter the average atomic mass in a.m.u. units.

Launch Simulation

There's no need for an activity sheet. The diretions are rather straightforward. But we do provide a Show Your Work sheet for teachers who would like to use it. The Show Your Work sheet helps students organize their solution to the problems. It also provides a bit of help. View Show Your Work Sheet.

Our Average Atomic Mass simulation is equipped with Task Tracker functionality. Learn more.

Learners and Instructors may also be interested in viewing the accompanying Notes page. Technical information, teaching suggestions, and related resources that complement this Interactive are provided on the Notes page. View Notes.