Using the Interactive

The Free-Body Diagram Interactive is shown in the iFrame below. There is a small hot-spot in the lower-right corner of the iFrame. Dragging this hot-spot allows you to change the size of iFrame to whatever dimensions you prefer.


Using the Interactive

This Interactive will open in a separate browser window on your device. Click the Launch Tool button to open the Interactive. Close the window to return to this page.

Our Free-Body Diagrams skill building exercise is now equipped with Task Tracker functionality. Learn more.



Our Free-Body Diagrams skill building exercise is now equipped with Task Tracker functionality. Learn more.

Did you enjoy Free-Body Diagrams? Need more practice? Try  Free-Body Diagrams ... The Sequel. It operates the same as this activity but includes 12 different scenarios to analyze. 

Having troubles? Why not try our Tutorial Video on Drawing Free-Body Diagrams.

In 10 minutes, you will learn what a free-body diagram is, how to recognize force types, and how to use an understanding of force types to create a free-body diagram for any given situation. Observe and learn from six examples. 

View on YouTube || View on our Website

Visit: Teacher Notes | Teacher Preview Version (for Task Tracker teachers only)