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WM5: Wave Speed 1

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Assignment Overview

Relate the speed of a wave to the distance the wave travels in a specified amount of time.

 1. WM5Q1
Points: 0/2

Tsunamis are much different than rogue waves. While rogue waves and other waves are generated by winds, tsunamis originate from geological events such as movements of tectonic plates. Tsunamis tend to travel very fast. A tsunami generated off the coast of Chile in 1990 is estimated to have traveled approximately 6150 miles to Hawaii in 14.6 hours. 

  1. Determine the speed in mi/hr.



  2. Determine the speed in m/s. (Given: 1.0 m/s = 2.24 mi/hr)



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 2. WM5Q2
Points: 0/1

A geological disturbance in California produces seismic waves which are detected in Phoenix, approximately 987 km from the epicenter. If the waves travel 5.96 km/s, determine the time delay (in minutes) between the disturbance and the detection.

  1. Time


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 3. WM5Q3
Points: 0/1

Microbats use echolocation to navigate and hunt. They emit pulses of high frequency sound waves which reflect off obstacles and objects in their surroundings. By detecting the time delay between the emitted pulse and the return of the reflected pulse, a bat can determine the location of the object. Determine the time delay between the sending of a pulse and the return of its reflection from an object located 13.1 m away. Approximate the speed of the sound waves as 348 m/s. Enter at least three significant digits.

  1. Time


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 4. WM5Q4
Points: 0/2

Logan, Cassie and Abbey are doing the Pulse Speed Lab. Logan and Cassie stand 7.40 m apart and stretch a zinc-coiled snakey between them. Logan introduces a pulse into the snakey at his end. Using a stopwatch, Abbey measures that it takes 14.7 seconds for the pulse to travel to Cassie's end and back two times. They then repeat the experiment with a copper-coiled snakey stretched the same distance and find that pulses travel back and forth two times in 16.7 seconds.

  1. Determine the speed of the pulse in the zinc-coiled snakey.

    Wave Speed in Zn


  2. Determine the speed of the pulse in the copper-coiled snakey.

    Wave Speed in Cu


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 5. WM5Q5
Points: 0/1

Light travels from the Sun to Earth at a speed of 3.00 x 108 m/s. The light must traverse 93,000,000 miles before reaching Earth. Calculate the time (in minutes) for light from the Sun to reach Earth. (1609 m = 1 mile.)

  1. Time


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 6. WM5Q6
Points: 0/1

Late at night along the Mississippi River, a tugboat sounds its foghorn. The sound of the horn is heard as an echo 2.66 seconds later. If the sound travels at a speed of 337 m/s, then what is the distance from the tugboat to the reflecting surface?

  1. Distance


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