Momentum and Collisions - Mission MC1 Detailed Help

An object that has a lot of momentum can be sure to ____.

The momentum (p) of an object can be calculated from knowledge of its mass (m) and velocity (v) using the formula: 
p = m • v

An object that has momentum can be certain to have its mass in motion. After all, the amount of momentum is determined as the mass multiplied by the velocity. All objects have mass; so if an object is moving, then it has momentum. Now an object with a lot of momentum must have such a mass AND such a velocity that the product of the mass and velocity is relatively large. It is the product that is important. One cannot be sure that it is moving fast and one cannot be sure that it has a lot of mass. It is the product that is important. Consider an electron within an atom. It is moving considerably fast but has less momentum that a moving skateboard. It is the product of mass and velocity that is important. Consider an 18-wheeler. It has a considerable mass but if it is parked at a rest stop it has very little momentum. It is the product of mass and velocity that is important.


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