This Interactive is intended for use near the middle to later stages of a learning cycle on Newton's second law of motion. The Interactive is essentially a spreadsheet program. Input parameters are provided and the program calculates the output parameters as a function of time. The Input Parameters are defined in the program itself. But more detailed information is provided on our
Parameters Page here on the website. The output parameters include height, velocity, air resistance, net force, and acceleration as a function of time. These values can be viewed in a tabular and graphical format. The graphical format relies upon the Plotly Javascript Graphing Library. Use of this library provides great looking plots. But more importantly, the plots are interactive, allowing the user to mouse over points and view values for the data. We've included some handy buttons to toggle between various plots that a user might be interested in.
The Interactive allows a user to explore a question. Users can quickly navigate between the Parameters input screen, the Data View, and the Graphical View and back by clicking buttons found at the top of the page. The intent of the Interactive was to encourage students and classrooms to develop a testable question and use the program to investigate the question. Towards that end, we have provided and activity sheet that provides some structure for such an investigation without damping the creativity. The activity sheet is available in PDF format with rights to use with your classrooms. We've also provided the source document for the activity (.docx) for download. Teachers are encouraged to modify it for use with their own classes. A rubric is included with the activity to facilitate feedback and grading.
Our calculation engine has a set of constraints associated with it. These are described in detail on our
Parameters Page. Some of these constraints are due to how we perform calculations of the output parameters. Others are associated with the assumptions that we have made about air resistance. We have assumed that the force of air resistance is proportional to the square of speed. While this is a commonplace assumption, it is not exactly accurate for all objects - particularly low speed and low mass objects.
The most important input parameter is the time increment (∆time). This is the time interval over which we repeat our caclulations during the fall. We discuss this in detail on our
Parameters Page. If you are using this activity with your classroom, emphasize the mportance of a good time increment. If it is too small, the program takes some time to calculate all the date (especially for tall initial heights). And it ∆time is too large, the calculated data lacks accuracy (especially for low initial heights and high initial speeds.
The value of g is a variable in the program. This allows for
field trips to the moon and other planets ... without administrative approval. How cool is that! For those students who wish to compare an air resistance scenario to a no-air resistance scenario, the air density can be set to 0 for the purely free-falling situation.
Finally, we did not dress the provided activity up as such, but we believe a true NGSS activity can be made from this Interactive. For those who take the lead in doing so, we would be delighted to view what you have done.