Teacher Resources

The Physics Classroom has been devoted to helping students, teachers, and classrooms since the 1990s. We are as passionate about that mission now as we have ever been. If you are a teacher of Physics or Physical Science, we encourage you to use our Video Tutorial with your students. And we also encourage you to consider the use of other resources on our website that coordinate with the video. We have listed a few below to help you get started.

Curriculum Corner, Forces in Two Dimensions

Our Curriculum Corner provides teachers with a collection of Think Sheets on numerous topics. They make perfect in-class reviews and post-video follow-ups. In particular, the following would be a great complement to this video:

Adding and Resolving Forces

Physics Interactives, Vectors and Projectile Section, Vector Addition

Our simulation section provides learners an interactive way to learn. Drag a slider, move a vector, alter a value, and observe the result. This particular simulation is accompanied by a classroom-ready activity sheet that can be downloaded and used with students.

Physics Interactives, Vectors and Projectile Section, Name That Vector

This skill building activity from our interactive simulation section provides students with an interactive challenge of using the head-to-tail method to determine the resultant of three or more vectors. Progress is tracked using a star system; it makes a perfect in-class activity.

Concept Builder: Head-to-Tail Vector Addition
Most students love Concept Builders. And teachers may love them more. This one tests student understanding of the head-to-tail method of vector addition. When used with our Task Tracker system, teachers can receive records of student completion.

Minds on Physics, Forces ini Two-Dimensions Module

Minds on Physics has a long history of challenging students to think deeply about a topic. This rigorous program features carefully-crafted questions that target the fine details of a topic, Combined with its question-specific help pages and its intelligent question-delivery system, a MOP mission can be the perfect sealant for the understanding of any topic. Mission F2D1 makes for a great follow-up to this video.


Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors and Motion in Two Dimensions Chapter, Lesson 3

When you need a clearly-written and understandable written resource, the go-to place on our website is the Tutorial section. There are two pages in particular that will provide strong support for this video lesson. They are ...

Addition of Forces

Teacher Toolkit - Forces in Two Dimensions

The Forces in Two Dimensions Toolkit provides teachers with standards-based resources for designing lesson plans and units that pertain to situations that involve forces acting at angles to the traditional horizontal and vertical axes. Find annotated links to resources on our website and throughout the web.