Teacher Resources

The Physics Classroom has been devoted to helping students, teachers, and classrooms since the 1990s. We are as passionate about that mission now as we have ever been. If you are a teacher of Physics or Physical Science, we encourage you to use our Video Tutorial with your students. And we also encourage you to consider the use of other resources on our website that coordinate with the video. We have listed a few below to help you get started.


Physics Interactives: Optics Bench - Mirrors

The Physics Interactives is our simulation section. Our Optics Bench simulation allows students to explore the reflection of light by curved mirrors and the formation of images. Tap on the Mirrors button at the top of the sim and then drag the object to the convex side of the mirror. Explore and learn.


Physics Interactives: Image Formation by Convex Mirrors

This Interactive from our simulation section provides you with a virtual light box for exploring the reflection of light off convex mirrors and the manner in which such reflection leads to the formation of an image of a complex object. A classroom-ready activity sheet can be downloaded and used with this activity.


Minds On Physics, Reflection and Mirrors module, Mission RM8

Our Minds On Physics program provides an intense workout in careful reading, logical thinking, and conceptual reasoning. It's like eating broccoli - nobody likes it but you know it's good for you. Give Mission RM8 on Ray Tracing for Convex Mirrors a try. It's great nutrition for your Physics brain. Use the Help link for question-specific help. 

Tutorial: Reflection and the Ray Model of Light, Lesson 4

When you need to quickly review a topic and/or freshen up on a concept, the Tutorial section of our website is your go-to place.  The page titled Reflection and Image Formation for Convex Mirrors makes a good complement of this video.

Reflection and Image Formation for Convex Mirrors