Additional Learning Tools and Resources

Watching a presentation is a passive activity. Getting information is important ... but its not the destination or end point. Now that you've watched the video, its time to do something with the information you've heard. It's time to act on it. The resources below provide an opportunity to do this. We encourage learners to solidify their learning through the use of one or more of the following resources.


Curriculum Corner, Reflection and Mirrors

Our Curriculum Corner includes in excess of 200 Think Sheets on discrete topics. Each Think Sheet takes a developmental approach to a topic. The one on Ray Diagrams would make a great in-class follow up for this video. Blend it with a MOP mission or a Concept Builder or our simulation (below) and you will have a great lesson.


Physics Interactives: Who Can See Who? Simulation

There are five students sitting in front of the mirror. Who can each student see? This interactive exercise provides students immediate feedback and guidance. It's a "no-fail" activity and makes a great preface to the Concept Builder by the same name that is described below.


Concept Builder:  Who Can See Who?

Students love Concept Builders. They provide a large bank of questions of varying difficulty, an intelligent question-delivery system, and immediate feedback on student answers. They can be used in class or (with our Task Tracker system) out of class as quick formative assessments. Try this one to assess student understanding of ray diagram applications.


Minds On Physics, Reflection and Mirrors Module, Mission RM3

Minds On Physics has always been a tool that trains students to read closely, think deeply, and reason conceptually. This mission on Plane Mirror Ray Tracing will do all that and more. Give it a try.


Tutorial on Reflection and the Ray Model of Light, Lesson 2

When you need to quickly review a topic and/or freshen up on a concept, The Tutorial section of our website is your go-to place. Many teachers include these as links for students on their course management sites. This page is the written version of our video tutorial.

Ray Diagrams for Plane Mirrors

Teacher Toolkits: Plane Mirrors

We love our Teacher Toolkits. We hope you do as well. They include a collection of links to vetted resources throughout the web that are standards-based and multi-media driven. 

Physics Interactives: Who Can See Who?

The Physics Interactives is our simulation section.This section provides a playful way to learn. Alter a variable, experiment with a system, and interact with the simulation in order to find out how nature works. Our Who Can See Who? activity dovetails nicely with the applications discussed near the end of the video.



Concept Builders, Reflection and Refraction Section, Who Can See Who?

Concept Builders provide questions with varying degrees of difficulty. They evaluate your answers and provide immediate feedback. They present new questions which address difficulties that you are having. There is a Help Me! button with help that is specific to the question. How can you go wrong? Give this one a try.


Minds On Physics, Reflection and Mirrors module, Mission RM3

A Minds On Physics mission is an interactive questioning module that will make you read carefully, think deeply, and know your concepts. None of this is popular. All of it works. Give Mission RM3 a try in order to sharpen your understanding. 

Tutorial on Reflection and the Ray Model of Light, Lesson 2

When you need to quickly review a topic and/or freshen up on a concept, the Tutorial section of our website is your go-to place.  Our page on Characteristics of Plane Mirror Images complements this video lesson very well. 

Ray Diagrams for Plane Mirrors