Additional Learning Tools and Resources

Watching a presentation is a passive activity. Getting information is important ... but its not the destination or end point. Now that you've watched the video, its time to do something with the information you've heard. It's time to act on it. The resources below provide an opportunity to do this. We encourage learners to solidify their learning through the use of one or more of the following resources.

Physics Interactives, Waves and Sound: Standing Wave Maker

Don't have a Slinky or rope to shake? No problem! You have the Physics Interactives. This simulation allows you to investigate the formation of standing waves, the vibrational patterns associated with the various harmonics, and the difference between transverse and longitudinal standing waves. Use our Student Activity Sheet as a guide and the corresponding Concept Checker as a self-assessment.


Minds on Physics, Sound Waves and Music Module: Mission SM5 - Resonance and Standing Waves

There's nothing like a Minds On Physics mission for insuring understanding. This one pertains to resonance (discussed in an earlier video of the series) and standing waves (discussed in the this video). It will provide awesome practice. Use the Help button when you get stuck.


Minds on Physics, Sound Waves and Music Module: Mission SM6 - Harmonics for String Instruments

Need practice with Standing Wave patterns and frequency relationships for harmonics? You won't find better practice than 10 minutes spent on this mission of Minds On Physics. When you get stuck, the Help button will be your friend. Give it a try!!



Concept Builders, Waves and Sound: Name That Harmonic (Strings)

This Concept Builder will sharpen your skill at recognizing relationships between the standing wave patterns for a vibrating string and the frequencies and wavelengths of the various harmonics. 


Physics Tutorial, Sound Waves and Music Chapter: Lesson 4

Our video tutorials are motivated by the existing written tutorials on our website. The entire Lesson 4 (particularly the last two pages) provides a great review of the video.