Teacher Resources

The Physics Classroom has been devoted to helping students, teachers, and classrooms since the 1990s. We are as passionate about that mission now as we have ever been. If you are a teacher of Physics or Physical Science, we encourage you to use our Video Tutorial with your students. And we also encourage you to consider the use of other resources on our website that coordinate with the video. We have listed a few below to help you get started.


Curriculum Corner, Sound: Resonance
Try our Curriculum Corner for a Think Sheet or a whole unit of Think Sheets and get your students thinking about waves. You will find a Think Sheet here on the topic of resonance. If the video is homework; then these are awesome next day starters. This is free curriculum for the taking. And for a few extra bucks, you can obtain the source documents and purchase a license to place them and any deriviative from them on your password-protected course management pages; see the Solutions Guide.

 YouTube Video Demonstration: Singing Water Goblet

Students love demonstrations. Show them this one on the Singing Water Goblet. Better yet, do it yourself live and watch their amazement. 


YouTube Video Demonstration: Inverted Pendulum

And one more ... on the topic of forced vibration.  If you don't have the apparatus, you can show them the video.

Minds on Physics, Sound Waves and Music Module: Mission SM5 - Resonance and Standing Waves

There's nothing like a Minds On Physics mission for insuring understanding. This one pertains to resonance (discussed in the video) and standing waves (discussed in the next video of the series). If you have a Task Tracker account, you can assign it as outise-of-class work and check on student progress.

Physics Tutorial, Sound Waves and Music Chapter: Lesson 4

Our video tutorials are motivated by the existing written tutorials on our website. The entire Lesson 4 (particularly the first two pages) provides a great review of the video. Point students in this direction when they are having troubles.