The Graph That Motion Interactive is a fixed size file that displays nicely on tablets such as the iPad, on Chromebooks, and on laptops and desktops. The compatibility with iPads, other tablets, and Chromebooks make it a perfect tool for use in a 1:1 classroom. Given the dimensions of the file, it is recommended that it be used in full-screen mode. The Graph That Motion Interactive does not display as nicely on most smart phones.
Just So You Know: The newest versions (Version 3 and higher) of this activity use HTML5 animations in place of the older video format ... and it includes other improvements as well.
Teaching Ideas and Suggestions:
This Interactive is intended for use near the middle to later stages of a learning cycle on kinematic graphing. It provides an invaluable formative assessment of how the shape and slope of a position-time and velocity-time graph relate to the motion of an object. The immediate feedback and the chance for correction make this Interactive a useful learning opportunity. The intention was that after labwork, instruction, and some practice with sketching the position-time and velocity-time graphs for several motions, a classroom could navigate to Graph That Motion and use the Interactive as an assessment/learning tool. The availability of the stars on the main menu allows a teacher to quickly check-off progress on a per-student basis (if desired).

Our Graph That Motion simulation is now equipped with Task Tracker functionality.
Learn more.
Also, our most recent update includes newer animations that work well on all devices and with all browsers (April, 2022).
Related Resources
There are numerous resources at The Physics Classroom website that serve as very complementary supports for the Graph That Motion Interactive. These include:
- Minds On Physics Internet Modules:
The Minds On Physics Internet Modules include a collection of interactive questioning modules that help learners assess their understanding of physics concepts and solidify those understandings by answering questions that require higher-order thinking. Just about any of the 11 assignments info the Kinematic Graphing module provide great complements to this Interactive. They are best used in the middle to later stages of the learning cycle. Visit the Minds On Physics Internet Modules.
- Animation: Numerous GIF Animations at The Multimedia Physics Studios
The 1D Kinematics section of the Multimedia Physics Studios has several instructive animations that animate the motion of an object and show the corresponding position-time and velocity-time graphs for that motion. Visit the Multimedia Physics Studios.
- Curriculum/Practice: Several Concept Development worksheets at the Curriculum Corner will be very useful in assisting students in cultivating their understanding, most notably ...
Describing Motion with Position-Time Graphs
Describing Motion with Velocity-Time Graphs
Describing Motion Graphically
Interpreting Velocity-Time Graphs
Graphing Summary
Visit the Curriculum Corner.
- Labwork:
Simulations should always support (never supplant) hands-on learning. The Laboratory section of The Physics Classroom website includes several hands-on ideas that complement this Interactive. Three notable lab ideas include ...
Position-Time Graphs Lab
Velocity-Time Graphs Lab
Match That Graph Lab
Visit The Laboratory.
- Science Reasoning Activities:
Science classrooms should be filled with reasoning activities. There is one related activity in the Kinematics section of the Science Reasoning Center that will challenge students to employ close reading, data analysis, and logical reasoning. The activity is named ...
Velocity-Time Graphs
Visit the Science Reasoning Center.
Additional resources and ideas for incorporating Graph That Motion into an instructional unit on kinematic graphing can be found at the
Teacher Toolkits section of The Physics Classroom website. Visit
Teacher Toolkits.