Teacher Resources
The Physics Classroom has been devoted to helping students, teachers, and classrooms since the 1990s. We are as passionate about that mission now as we have ever been. If you are a teacher of Physics or Physical Science, we encourage you to use our Video Tutorial with your students. And we also encourage you to consider the use of other resources on our website that coordinate with the video. We have listed a few below to help you get started.
Curriculum Corner - Kinematic Concepts
The in-the-trenches curriculum on our website can be found at the Curriculum Corner. There are a variety of classroom-ready Think Sheets that can be used iwth your classes. Depending on your interests and needs, you will find 3-5 Think Sheets that address the topic of Position-Time Graphs.
Teacher Toolkits - Position-Time Graphs
We love our Teacher Toolkits. These short Toolkits were made for busy teachers. They include annotated links to a variety of vetted, standards-based, multimedia-supported resources across he web. We have one on the topic of Position-Time Graphs. Check it out!
Concept Builder: Position-Time Graphs - Numerical Analysis
Students like Concept Builders! They're phun! And helpful. They include a collection of questions to answer. Feedback to your answers is immediate. Each question includes a Help page. Dataways, stars, and trophies are your rewards as you apply Physics principles to work your way through a variety of activities. There are three activities in this Concept Builder; the second activity - Know Your V - is a perfect follow-up to this video tutorial.
MOP the App #1: Kinematics Concepts, Mission KC4: Slope of a Position-Time Graph
Our Minds On Physics program, now available as an app, has a long history of providing a rigorous mental work-out with a mastery-learning approach. Each app consists of modules (topic). App #1 has three modules; the second module is titled Kinematic Graphing. Each module consists of several missions. The fourth mission - it's titled KG4: Slope of a Position-Time Graph. If you use Minds On Physics, then Mission KG4 is a great follow-up to this video. And this video is a great pre-cursor to Mission KG4.
Physics Classroom Tutorial: 1D Kinematics Chapter: Lesson 3 on Determining Slope
We have a written Tutorial on our website. The language is easy to understand and readable/understandable by most high school students. It makes a great reference or reading assigment. Many teachers link to the Lesson from their Course Management page.