Teacher Resources

The Physics Classroom has been devoted to helping students, teachers, and classrooms since the 1990s. We are as passionate about that mission now as we have ever been. If you are a teacher of Physics or Physical Science, we encourage you to use our Video Tutorial with your students. And we also encourage you to consider the use of other resources on our website that coordinate with the video. We have listed a few below to help you get started.

This video primarily lays the foundation for understanding much of the emphasis of our Video Tutorial Series - why, how, and where images form of objects placed in front of plane and curved mirrors. Many of the activities below may take the topic a bit further than the video. We mention them anyways with the belief that the teacher will be able to make the best judgements regarding what fits for their curriculum and classes.

Curriculum Corner, Reflection and Mirrors

Our Curriculum Corner includes in excess of 200 Think Sheets on discrete topics. Each Think Sheet takes a developmental approach to a topic. The one on Light Reflection would make a great in-class follow up for this video.

Concept Builders, The Law of Reflection

The next video in our series is on the Law of Reflection. This Concept Builder is a must-do. Take a peek at it now, whether you're assigning the next video or not.

Physics Interactives, Reflection and Refraction, Image Formation by Plane Mirrors

This interactive Tutorial takes the topic a bit further than the video but nonetheless includes some good information and simulations that make it a worthy follow-up to the video.

Tutorial on Reflection and the Ray Model of Light, Lesson 1

When you need to quickly review a topic and/or freshen up on a concept, The Tutorial section of our website is your go-to place.  There are two pages in particular that complement this video. Many teachers include these as links for students on their course management sites.

The Role of Light to Sight

The Line of Sight


Teacher Toolkits: Plane Mirrors

We love our Teacher Toolkits. We hope you do as well. They include a collection of links to vetted resources throughout the web that are standards-based and multi-media driven.