What was NEW in 2021 at The Physics Classroom?

We've been at this task of providing students, teachers, and classrooms high-quality, ready-to-use resources for a long time. And we are as passionate about it now as we were 29 years ago when we started. We are always working on something new. But it is such a big website that the new additions often get nested deep inside of a section and are never noticed for months or even years after being published. So we're aiming to fix that problem with this page of announcements. Visit our What's New? page to find out about our most recent additions. And check back often in anticipation of finding new surprises.

New Arrivals in 2021

(in reverse chronological order)

December, 2021

December 29, 2021

Heat of Formation Concept Builder

This new Chemistry Concept Builder is packed with interactivity. Students make decisions about how to change reactants into products through formation and decomposition reactions. They decide on the ∆H of each step and use the results to determine ∆H of the reaction.


December 28, 2021

Navigational Improvements to Chemistry Concept Builders

We added some features to the Chemistry section of our Concept Builders to make the lengthy list more easily navigable. That will help for now ... eventually we'll have to consider a separate Chemistry site. (Something to look forward to.)


December 23, 2021

Gibb's Free Energy Concept Builder

This is the perfect follow-up to the Concept Builder published one day earlier on Spontaneity. Students use the Gibb's Free Energy equation to predict spontaneity.


December 22, 2021

Spontaneity and Driving Forces Concept Builder

We are continuing to fill out the Thermodynamics topic for our Chemistry Concept Builders with this gem on Spontaneity.


December 20, 2021

Entropy Concept Builder

Our Entropy Concept Builder is our 57th Chemistry Concept Builder and one more reason for Chemistry teachers to love The Physics Classroom.


December 17, 2021

Thermal Stoichiometry Concept Builder

Our Thermal Stoichiometry Concept Builder is now live. It's the fourth Chemistry Concept Builder in our Thermal Chemistry sub-section.


December 16, 2021

Enthalpy Change Concept Builder

The concept of an enthalpy change can be difficult for students. This will help. Our 55th Chemistry Concept Builder will touch on many of the troubling aspects of enthalpy change.


December 13, 2021

Measuring the Quantity of Heat Concept Builder

Get your students doing the Q=m•C•∆T with our new Concept Builder on calorimetry. This is the first of several thermodynamics/thermal chemistry Concept Builders that will come out in the next few weeks.


December 10, 2021

Weightlessness in Orbit  Video Tutorial

This is our final video in our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation. The video addresses the question of what causes orbiting astronauts to feel weightless.


December 8, 2021

Mathematics of Satellite Motion  Video Tutorial

This video tutorial from our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation is the 12th video of 13. It addresses the use of mathematical equations describing satellites.


December 7, 2021

Kepler's Laws  Video Tutorial

This video tutorial from our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation discusses Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Considerable attention is given to the third law.


Satellite Motion Principles  Video Tutorial

This video tutorial from our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation discusses how basic circular motion principes can be applied to understanding what a satellite is and how it moves



December 6, 2021

The Value of g Video Tutorial

This video tutorial from our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation discusses how universal gravitation is used to determine a formula for gravitational field strength.


December 2, 2021

Newton's Law of  Universal Gravitation Video Tutorial

This video tutorial from our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation discusses Newton's Universal Gravitation equation and models its use through four example problems.


December 1, 2021

The Apple, The Moon, and Universal Gravitation Video Tutorial

This video tutorial from our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation discusses the thinking of Isaac Newton as he attempted to assert that the motion of the moon and the planets was caused by the force of gravity.


November, 2021

November 30, 2021

The Physics of Roller Coasters Video Tutorial

This video tutorial from our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation discusses the physics underlying the thrill and safety of roller coaster rides. It includes three examples of force analyes of circular sections.


November 29, 2021

States of Matter Concept Builder

Our States of Matter Concept Builder in the Chemistry section is now available. The emphasis is on how the particle characteristics of each state relates to the observable properties.


November 24, 2021

Molecular Polarity Concept Builder

We have added a final Concept Builder to the Atomic and Molecular Models section of our Chemistry Concept Builders.


November 21, 2021

Bond Polarity Concept Builder

We are filling out the section of Chemistry Concept Builders titled Atomic and Molecular Models with this Concept Builder on covalent bonds and bond polarity.


November 20, 2021

Line Spectra Concept Builder

Our 50th Chemistry Concept Builder is now live - the Line Spectra Concept Builder. Students associate frequencies, wavelengths, and energy transitions with the lines on an emission spectrum. 



November 16, 2021

Video Tutorial: Newton's Second Law and Circular Motion

Mr. H steps through five example problems to demonstrate the use of a free-body diagram, Newton's second law, and circular motion mathematics to analyze a physical situation.  This is our 5th video in our Tutorial Series on Circular Motion and Gravitation.



November 15, 2021

Periodic Table Battleship Concept Builder

Have fun and learn about electron configurations with this long-time favorite now made interactive. This is our 49th Chemistry Concept Builder. Many more to come.



November 10, 2021

Circular Motion Video Tutorial: Mathematics of Circular Motion

Our fourth video in our Circular and Satellite Motion Video Tutorial series is out. It describes the mathematical formulae for speed, acceleration and net force and explains how to use them.



November 9, 2021

Circular Motion Video Tutorial: Inertia and Circular Motion

We have now completed three videos in our Circular and Satellite Motion Video Tutorial. This 11-minue video targets the misconception that there is an outward net force on an object that is moving in a circle.



November 7, 2021

Circular Motion Video Tutorial: The Centripetal Force Requirement

We have begun production on our Circular and Satellite Motion Video Tutorial. This 13-minue video is packed with animations, demonstrations, graphics and thorough explnation of velocity and acceleration.



November 4, 2021

Circular Motion Video Tutorial: Velocity and Acceleration

This 11-minute video explains why an inward force is required to sustain the motion of an object in a circle.  It is the second video in our Circular and Satellite Motion Video Tutorial series.

November 2, 2021

Concept Builder Edits

We are always making an effort to correct, edit and get it right. It's never fun. It's always necessary. Today's edits included four Concept Builders:


November 1, 2021

Words and Charts Concept Builder

We have just published a simple Concept Builder titled Words and Charts. Students must match four verbal descriptions of a motion to each of four corresponding energy bar charts. The Concept Builder includes five Mathching Pair activities.


October, 2021


October 26, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial: Solving Work-Energy Problems

Our 13th video in our Work and Energy Tutorial Series is now out. The topic is Solving Work-Energy Problems. It includes a thorough discussion of six different example problems. This is the final video on our Tutorial Series on Work and Energy. Next up: Circular Motion and Gravitation.


October 24, 2021

Quantum Mechanics Concept Builder

It's our 48th Chemistry Concept Builder. This makes a great complement to our other Concept Builders on atomic structure. We're not done with Chemistry CBs. In fact we have another one planned within the next week on this same broad topic of atomic structure.


October 21, 2021

Atomic Models Concept Builder

We've been working hard on building our collection of Chemistry Concept Builders during the past few weeks. This is our 47th Chemistry CB. We're not done with Chemistry CBs; there's many more ideas to flesh out into Concept Builders.


October 20, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial: Work-Energy Bar Charts

Our 11th video in our Work and Energy Tutorial Series is now out. The topic is Work-Energy Bar Charts and features five examples. 


October 18, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial: Mechanical Energy Conservation

In the 10th video of our Work, Energy and Power Tutorial Series, Mr. H discusses situations in which potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy (and vice versa).


October 17, 2021

Concept Builder: Chemistry - Molarity Calculations

We're showing more love to our Chemistry Teachers and their students. We've completed a Concept  Builder titled Molarity Calculations. We now have two Concept Builders on the topic of molarity; we have you covered on that topic.  This is our 46th Chemistry Concept Builder and there's more to come.


October 14, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial: External Energy Transfer

This is our 9th video in our Work, Energy and Power chapter.  The focus is of the video is on the conceptual and mathematical analysis of situations in which external forces change the energy of a system.


October 13, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial: Forces, Energy, and System Analysis

This is our 8th video in our Work, Energy and Power chapter.  The focus is of the video is on how to approach a problem involving an energy analysis.


October 12, 2021

Concept Builder: Chemistry - Molarity Ranking Task

We're showing love to our Chemistry Teachers and their students. We've completed a Concept  Builder on the topic of Molarity. This is our 45th Chemistry Concept Builder and there's more to come.


October 11, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial: Non-Mechanical Energy

This is our 7th video in our Work, Energy and Power chapter.  Our video tutorials represent our effort to expand the Tutorial value of our website for those who prefer video tutorials over written tutorials.


October 8, 2021

Task Tracker - Minds On Physics Assignment Boards

We're excited about this one ... Help links for students who are doing Minds On Physics for credit through our Task Tracker program. The links direct students to relevant pages of our written and video Tutorials, providing them with the information they need to be successful with Minds On Physics.


October 7, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial: Mechanical Energy

This is our 6th video in our Work, Energy and Power chapter. There's many more to come in the next couple of weeks. Support us by subscribing to the channel and getting notifications when new videos come out.


October 6, 2021

Forces in Two Dimensions Concept Builders

Fixed! Finally fixed! A couple of our Forces in 2D Concept Builders have had a shaky history of integrating with Task Tracker, most notably Solve It! Vectors and Newton's Second Law and Solve It! Inclined Planes. The Concept Builder worked great but Task Tracker teachers who used them likely noticed that their ability to track was suspect. That is no longer the case. We have found the bug and it is exterminated. Enjoy these CBs Task Tracker users!


October 5, 2021

Concept Builder: Up and Down with Energy

Another new Concept Builder on the topic of energy conservation. Students analyze the up and down motioni of an object using energy principles.


October 4, 2021

Concept Builder: Stepping Up with PE and KE

Here's a new Concept Builder for your energy studies. It's perfect for digesting the concept of gravitational potential energy and it will provide a great introduction to the concept of energy conservation.



September, 2021


September 26, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial - Power Video

Our video tutorial mirrors our written Tutorial on our website. This is the fifth video for the Work, Energy and Power section and is one video short of the first of two lessons of the written counterpart.


September 24, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial - Potential Energy Video

We're on a roll. Four days ... four videos. This one is on the topic of potential energy. Enjoy!


September 23, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial - Kinetic Energy Video

We're on the move. Here's video #3 of our Video Tutorial on Work, Energy and Power. This one is on the topic of kinetic energy. Check it out!


September 22, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial - Work Calculations Video

This is our second video in our Work, Energy, and Power video tutorial. This represents the video version of our written Tutorial page titled Calculating the Amount of Work Done by Forces. 


September 21, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial - Work Video

We have begun the development of our Work, Energy, and Power video tutorial. Our first video on the topic of Work is now available.


September 6, 2021

Task Tracker Directions for Minds On Physics

We completed and uploaded more directions for teh use of Task Tracker with Minds On Phyics. We now have a Student Use page with a downloadable and distributable PDF and a thorougly written page on Previewing and Customizing a Mission.


September 3, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules 

Whew! What a week! We've done a lot of documentation on how to use our Task Tracker tool with Minds On Physics. Check it out. And there's more to come.


September 1, 2021

Task Tracker Payment Portal

We officially launched Minds On Physics. Our payment portal came out. Subscribers now purchase a specified number of seats and then use them to provide their classes acces to either Concept Builders or Minds On Physics. (And the exciting part, is next year this time there should be a third feature. Spoiler alert!)




August, 2021

August 28, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Refraction and Lenses)

A load of edits have been made to a variety of missions, including: Mission KC3, KG3, NL1, NL4, VP1, VP5, VP6, FD2, FD5, MC6, MC8, CG3, SE1, SE2, SE5, SE6, SE7, SE8, and LC5. With the exception of Mission LC9, we believe the program is "complete" and ready for public use. The payment portal should be out this coming week. Those wishing for early access can contact Tom.


August 23, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Refraction and Lenses)

The Refraction and Lenses module of the Minds On Physics Internet Modules has been uploaded. All MOP modules have been uploaded. We are still testing and making edits.


August 15, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Reflection and Mirrors)

The Reflection and Mirrors module of the Minds On Physics Internet Modules has been uploaded. This is the 14th of 15 total missions. That means we're about done!


August 12, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Light Waves and Color)

The Light Waves and Color module of the Minds On Physics Internet Modules has been uploaded. Eight of the nine missions are complete. The ninth will be completed soon. We are nearing the end of the project.


Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Electric Circuits)

The Electric Circuits  missions of the Minds On Physics Internet Modules have been uploaded. This includes 12 missions in the second of our two electricity modules. Our eight Mechanics and our two electricity modules are  now complete.


August 11, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Sound Waves and Music)

The Sound Waves and Music  missions of the Minds On Physics Internet Modules have been uploaded. This includes 11 missions in the second of our three Waves, Sound, and Light modules.

August 10, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Wave Motion)

The Wave Motion  missions of the Minds On Physics Internet Modules have been uploaded. This includes 8 missions in the first of our three Waves, Sound, and Light modules.

August 7, 2021
iOS Functionality Restored for Simulations and Concept Builders

At some point during the summer, our Concept Builders and simulations in the Physics Interactives section lost functionality. That has been restored. You can now enjoy these great interactive tools on your iPhone or iPad.


Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Electrostatics)

The Static Electricity  missions of the Minds On Physics Internet Modules have been uploaded. This includes 12 missions in the first of our two electricity modules.


August 6, 2021
Minds On Physics Internet Modules  (Mechanics)

The interactive missions for the Mechanics section of Minds On Physics has been uploaded. We are still making modifications and edits but the resource is ready to use. This is both a free and a paid resource. Our payment portal is still under construction. 


June, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules 

It will at times seem as though not much is happening on the site. Nothing could be further from the truth, During times of infrequent uploads, the truth is that we are building something humongous behind the scenes. That something is Minds On Physics. We have been making some uploads, but the real meat and potatoes is still being built and tested and refined. While you wait for completion, go visit the Minds On Physics Internet Modules  section and get acquainted with the next BIG thing. We are making great progress and we are still expecting to have it completed during the month of August. Approximately 80% or more should be done by August 1.



May, 2021


Minds On Physics Internet Modules (Electric Circuits)

We continue to work on the site structure for the HTML5 version of our Minds On Physics Internet Modules. Electric Circuits was completed today. The site structure will eventually hold the interactive content and the exhaustive amount of Help pages that support students while completing the tasks. 



Minds On Physics Internet Modules (Static Electricity)

The HTML5 version of our Minds On Physics Internet Modules continues to take shape. We have uploaded the site structure and Help pages for the Static Electricity module.




April, 2021

Minds On Physics Internet Modules (Version 5)

We have begun the HTML5 re-make of our Minds On Physics program. This long awaited project will replace our App and Legacy version. This is a humongous project and will occupy most our time for the better part of the next four months. Check out how its shaping up and come back frequently to view more. 


Physics Video Tutorial: Convex Mirrors -The Mathematics of Curved Mirrors

This video discusses the use of the mirror equation and magnification ratio to solve Physics word problems. Includes four example problems.



Physics Video Tutorial: Convex Mirrors - Ray Diagrams and Image Characteristics

This video describes how to draw and interpret ray diagrams for convex mirrors. Short. Snappy. Instructive. Worth the time.



Physics Video Tutorial: Convex Mirrors - Reflection of Light and Image Formation

We are nearing the completion of our Video Tutorial series on Reflection and Mirrors. This video describes how light reflects off convex mirrors and how this leads to the formation of virtual images.



Physics Video Tutorial: Image Characeristics for Concave Mirrors

The LOST Art of Image Description is used to explain how the characteristics of images is dependent upon the object location.



Physics Video Tutorial: Concave Mirrors - Ray Diagrams

This 7-minute video demonstrates and explains how to construct ray diagrams for concave mirrors. Five examples are provided.



Physics Video Tutorial: Concave Mirrors - Light Reflection and Image Formation

This short video describes how images are formed for concave mirrors. The distinction between real and virtual images is discussed. And the L•O•S•T Art of Image Description is introduced.



Physics Video Tutorial: Introduction to Curved Mirrors

The anatomy of curved mirrors (center of curvature, focal point, etc.) is discussed and the patterns by which light reflects is illustrated.



March, 2021

Physics Video Tutorial: The Six Foot Person Problem

​What portion of a plane mirror would a six-foot tall person need to view their entire image? Find out with this short video from our Reflection and Mirrors series.



Physics Video Tutorial: Ray Diagrams for Plane Mirrors

This 6-minute video from our Reflection and Mirrors series explains what a ray diagram is and demonstrates how to construct them for point objects and arrow objects. Examples and applications of ray diagramming are discussed.



Physics Video Tutorial: Plane Mirror Image Characteristics

This short video from our Reflection and Mirrors series describes and elaborates on he characteristics of plane mirror images.



Physics Video Tutorial: Plane Mirror Image Formation

This 7-minute video explains what an image is and why it is formed using a variety of animations and diagrams.



Physics Video Tutorial: Specular vs. Diffuse Reflection

This 6-minute video describes the difference between specular and diffuse reflection in terms of their cause, explanation, and resulting effects.


Physics Video Tutorial: The Law of Reflection

Our Video Tutorial on the law of reflection has been completed. Short. Simple. Logical. Thorough. Worth checking out.


Physics Video Tutorial: Light and Sight

This is the first video of our Reflection and Mirrors video tutorial. The video lays the foundation for understanding how and why images are formed.


Physics Interactives: Balance It!

There's nothing like a good interactive challenge to liven up a lesson plan. And this Balance It! activity is perfect for such a role. Adaptable to a wide variety of classrooms, this 20-level challenge will get your students thinking in terms of force components.



Physics Video Tutorial: Modified Atwood's Machine Problems

This Modified Atwood's Machine Problems video tutorial completes our short Video Tutorial Collection on Forces in Two Dimensions.



Physics Video Tutorial: Atwood's Machine Problems

This Atwood's Machine Problems video tutorial outlines a strategy for solving an often troublesome two-body problem. The strategy is demonstrated in an example problem.



Physics Video Tutorial: Two-Body Problems

This Two-Body Problems video tutorial outlines a strategy for solving a two-body problem. The strategy is demonstrated in two example problems.



Physics Video Tutorial: Inclined Planes

This fourth video in our Forces in Two Dimensions Video Tutorial Series discusses the physics of inclined planes. The video explains how to identify forces and construct the free-body diagram, how to  resolve the gravity force into components, and how to determine the net force and acceleration.



Physics Video Tutorial: Equilibrium

This is our third video in our Forces In Two Dimensions Video Tutorial collection. We have four planned. We hope to be done in March or April. This video discusses the concept of equilibrium and demonstrates how to conduct a force analysis for an object with angled forces.


Concept Builders: Equilibrium

Our Equilibrium Concept Builder will provide great training for thinking in terms of components. Learners add two forces to the given force vectors in order to establish an equilibrium.


Concept Builders: Solve It! - Inclined Planes

We are building up our Forces in Two Dimensions section of Concept Builders. This Concept Builder focuses on the mathematical relationships associated with the forces exerted on objects that accelerate along inclined planes. 


Physics Video Tutorial: Net Force Problems Revisited

This is our second video in our Forces In Two Dimensions Video Tutorial collection. We have four planned. We hope to be done in March or April. This video looks at situations in which an angled force causes a horizontal acceleration.

Concept Builders: Solve It! (with Vectors and Fnet = m•a)

This is our second Concept Builder in our recently launched Forces in Two Dimensions section. Students must analyze a situation in which a force acts at an angle to the horizontal to accelerate an object across a horizontal surface. 


Physics Video Tutorial: Adding and Resolving Forces

We have officially begun the creation of our Forces in Two Dimensions Video Tutorial. This is the first video, covering the topic of adding and resolving force vectors. We have four planned. We hope to be done in March or April.



Concept Builders, The Equilibrium Concept

Relying on graphical representations, tabular data, and particle diagrams, this Concept Builder hilights the features that characterize the the condition of chemical equilibrium. A true exercise in thinking and sense-making.



February, 2021

Concept Builders, Equilibrium ICE Table

This is one of our more elaborate Concept Builders. It provides great training on how to use an ICE Table to solve for K.


Concept Builders, Equilibrium Calculations

We're showing more love to our Chemistry-teaching colleagues with a Concept Builder involving calculations using an equilibrium constant expression.


Concept Builders, Chemistry, Molar Mass

We're showing love to our Chemistry-teaching colleagues with this Concept Builder on the calculation of molar mass. (Don't miss the Out of This World activity!)


Concept Builders, Work and Energy, Energy Analysis 2

This Concept Builder challenges students to conduct an energy analysis fo situations in which mechanical energy is transformed into non-mechanical forms. Its a great follow-up to Energy Analysis 1.


Concept Builders, Work and Energy, Energy Analysis 1

This Concept Builder challenges students to conduct an energy analysis, identifying values of KE and PE at as many as 5 locations along a motion path.


Physics Video Tutorial: Solving Difficult Electric Field Problems

This is our final video in our Static Electricity Video Tutorial Series. This video steps through the solution to four difficult electric field problems.


Concept Builders, Vectors and Projectiles, Projectile Mathematics

This skill-building activity includes three distinct levels of difficulty. Students complete a table of values focusing on the relationships between the various projectile parameters.


Concept Builders, Static Electricity, Triboelectric Charging

Many have complained about the drag-and-drop functionality of some Concept Builders does not work. While going full-screen is the immediate cure, we have been gradually eliminating all such functions. Drag-and-drop has now been removed from the Triboelectric Charging Concpt Builder.

Physics Video Tutorial: Lesson Notes for Momentum and Collisions Videos

We just completed the Lesson Notes for our six Momentum and Collisions Video Tutorial lessons. These were originally left undone in the interest of time and have just now been completed.


Physics Video Tutorial: Lesson Notes for Projectile Videos

We sometimes take short cuts and omit the completion of less essential tools. When creating our Projectile Video Tutorials, we postponed the completion of the accompanying Lesson Notes. We just completed the Lesson Notes for our six Projectile Video Tutorial lessons.



Physics Video Tutorial: Electric Field Lines

This is our 14th video of 15 planned videos on static electricity. This video explains what electric field lines are and how to draw them..



Physics Video Tutorial: Coulomb's Law and Force Analysis

This short video steps through the solution to four difficulty problems involving Coulomb's Law and a force analysis of an electrostatic phenomenon.



Physics Video Tutorial: Electric Field Intensity

This short video discusses the mathematics of electric field intensity.


Physics Video Tutorial: Electric Field Concept

This short video explains the concept of an electric field and lays the ground work for an upcoming video on the mathematics of electric field intensity.


January, 2021

Concept Builder: Impulse-Momentum Change Table

Help your students get in the groove of using the impulse-momentum change theorem to analyze the changes in momentum of an object acted upon by an external force for a given amount of time.


Task Tracker for Concept Builders

We indexed all the Questions in Concept Builders using the existing topic structure. Now logged in teachers with an active subscription can access all the Question pages from one location. Visit the Main Page.


Concept Builder: Frequency and Period

Studying vibrational motion or waves soon? Here is a NEW Concept Builder on the concepts of frequency and period.


Video Tutorial: Proportional Reasoning with Coulomb's Law

This is our second video of three on the topic of Coulomb's Law and its varied applications.


Video Tutorial: Coulomb's Law

This is our first video of three on the topic of Coulomb's Law and its varied applications.


Concept Builder: Conductors and Insulators

This Concept Builder hones in on student understanding of conductors and insulators. It's a great follow-up to the two videos immediately below.


Video Tutorial: Grounding

A video on electrical grounding was completed and uploaded to our Static Electricity Video Tutorial.


Video Tutorial: Charging By Conduction

If you're starting the topic of static electricity anytime soon, you may be able to take advantage of this video and others in the series.


Video Tutorial: Charging By Induction

Our Video Tutorial mirrors our written Tutorial.  With this video, we are closing in on the completion of Lesson 2 of our Static Electricity Chapter.


Video Tutorial: Triboelectric Charging

The first video of the new year is out. Many more electrostatics videos are planned for the months of January and February. Keep checking in.



December, 2020

Video Tutorial: Polarization

The fourth video in our Static Electricity series has been completed. There's many more to come in January, 2021.


Concept Builder: Case Studies - Electric Power

This newest Concept Builder brings the total to 10 for the Electric Circuits topic.


Physics Interactives: Equivalent Resistance

This skill-building exercise is composed of 18 difficulty levels associated with determining the equivalent resistance of 2 - 5 resistors arranged in series, in parallel, or in combination. It's a great complement to our DC Circuit Builder simulation.


Physics Interactives: Hit the Target

We think this will be popular. It's like our Turd the Target sim ... without a storyline, without drama, and (especially) without turds. #JustGoodCleanPhun


Concept Builder: Series vs. Parallel Circuits

This is a great tool for all classes. There are three distinct levels of difficulty.


Concept Builder: Electric Field

This is a powerful tool ... expecially suited for AP Physics 1, Honors Physics, and IB Physics.


Concept Builders: Free-Body Diagrams for Inclined Planes

We enjoyed making this one. Hope you enjoy using it.


The Review Session - added Inline Ads

Of course nobody likes ads. But let's face the facts: making a website isn't free and somebody has to pay the bills. Better them than you. Right?


Video Tutorial: Condctors vs. Insulators

Making more progress on our collection of Static Electricity video tutorials.


Concept Builder: Getting the Hang of Charge

We needed this one. It's a big improvement upon our Charge Interactions Concept Builder.


Video Tutorial: Charge Interactions

Our second video in our Static Electricity collection.


Video Tutorial: Charged and Uncharged Objects

This was our first video in the Static Electricity chapter of our growing Video Tutorial section.


Concept Builder: Net Force and Acceleration Ranking Tasks (bug fix)

This Concept Builder has been around for a while. But the drag and drop didn't work on all devices unless the CB was used in full-screen mode. So we replaced the drag-and-drop interactivity with a more reliable one.

Video Tutorial on Momentum and Collisions

We completed the last two videos of our Momentum and Collisions section of our Physics Video Tutorial in early December.


Physics Classroom Tutorial - fixed Wolfram Alpha Widgets

We have approximately 60 interactive widgets (from Wolfram Alpha) embedded in the pages of our Tutorial. They were not displaying. The issue has been fixed and they now display properly. They are a welcome addition to the Tutorial.



Hey! There's more. View additions made in ...
2024 || 2023 || 2022 || 2021

Current Year